Richard Wilke
Frühere Adresse
Mathematische Grundlagen der InformatikRWTH Aachen
D-52056 Aachen
Fax: | +49-241-80-22215 |
E-Mail: | wilke [AT] |
Wenn die Tür offen ist / nach VereinbarungForschung
- I am associated with the research training group UnRAVeL
- Logiken der Abhängigkeit und Unabhängigkeit
- Logiken mit Multiteam-Semantik
- Mathematische Logik (SS 16, SS 17, SS 18, SS 19, SS 20)
- Mathematische Logik II (WS 20/21) (mit Matthias Naaf und Benedikt Pago)
- Quanten-Computing (SS 20)
- Logik und Spiele (WS 18/19) (mit Matthias Hoelzel und Katrin Dannert)
- Seminar
Aktuelle Publikationen
- E. Grädel, H. Helal, M. Naaf, and R. Wilke. Zero-One Laws and Almost Sure Valuations of First-Order Logic in Semiring Semantics. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2022) (C. Baier and D. Fisman, Eds.), pp. 41:1–41:12. ACM, 2022.
- E. Grädel, H. Helal, M. Naaf, and R. Wilke. Zero-One Laws and Almost Sure Valuations of First-Order Logic in Semiring Semantics. arXiv:2203.03425 [cs.LO], full version of LICS'22 paper, 2022.
- E. Grädel and R. Wilke. Logics with Multiteam Semantics. ACM Transations on Computational Logic, vol. 23(2), pp. 13:1–13:30, 2022.
- D. Haase, E. Grädel, and R. Wilke. Separation logic and logics with team semantics. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, vol. 173(10), pp. 103063, 2022.
- R. Wilke. On the Presburger fragment of logics with multiteam semantics. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, vol. 173(10), pp. 103120, 2022.